
Welcome to the website for the Trinity Arts & Humanities Graduate Symposium. We are currently inviting applications from postgraduates for presentations at this year’s symposium. If you would like to share your research with the wider College community or simply attend the symposium, then please complete the form here.

As a presenter at this year’s symposium, you will have the opportunity to participate in an interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and methodologies. Alternatively, as a symposium attendee, you will be able to join Trinity’s Arts & Humanities community in examining current research trends and gaining an understanding of research trajectories in a variety of academic disciplines.

This year’s symposium will take place on Saturday, 12 March 2016.

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Founded by a group of postgraduate students, the Trinity Arts & Humanities Symposium has been held annually for the last decade. The one day conference is a unique opportunity for graduate students in Trinity to present their work to their peers and other members of College, and to meet and be inspired by fellow researchers in the arts and humanities. The symposium has helped to build networks among those with similar interests, and is an occasion when Trinity’s impressive graduate research can be brought to the attention of the College community at large. The day concludes with a symposium dinner in College.

(Image Copyright the Master and Fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge)